kisah benarku. oh kan best kalo ade pakwe.

Tanda2 anda adalah penghidap penyakit FOREVERALONE (as written in twitter)

1) got a free large dominos pizza, but ate all slices because noone to share with.
2) you want to buy nice new shoes to replace the old one, but realized that you never go out anyway so why buy? 
3) you only charge your handphone once a week. And that's because you use the music player and play java games. 
4) you say things like "why bother taking a bath today? it's not like anybody gonna notice!"
5) you don't mind having a meeting from noon until 10pm because "hey, I don't have anything to do anyway" 
6) your postman only send you bills, spam mails and online shop stuff--cuz you never shop IRL
7) you sat at the window and saw your friend. You wanna say hi but he gave you the finger 1st.
8) you tweet every five minutes about that crush you stalk, and RTed every single thing he did
9) Your amount of teddy bears exceed the amount of "hang-out" friends you have.
10) when you take a picture with the cutout instead of the artist in a meet and greet session
11) when you buy chocolates by the bundles and you're not giving any of it away to someone
12) when you carry your piano for a mile to your GF's house to make a 'surprise serenade' and she showed up with another boy *apakah?*
13) when you make fourteen tweets and nobody RT-ed you back
14) when you are opening your twitter and watching the twit feed--and you fell asleep because it was friggin uneventful
15) when your message inbox is filled with SMS from your roomies, your sister and Maxis spam ad
16) when you become the unoficial "shoulder to cry on" for every friend who had a relationship, when you yourself are single 
17) When only the weird guys hang out with you, and your crush still doesn't even know you existed.
18) when housemate ko kantoi x pernah kuar bilik sebab asik tanya khabar pasal housemate lg sorg melalui SMS.
19) when you watch the TV and see a love scene and you close your eyes imagining it was you.
20) when you're busting yourself for weeks organizing a birthday bash for a man who doesn't even remember your name...
21) when you're eating yesterday's meeting leftovers for today's lunch, cuz no-one invited you out .

22) When she STILL won't kiss you when you left her because she chose KLCC over you!

Which one is you?

p.s.ada banyak lagi dalam twitterku. mini-blogging akan berlangsung sepanjang hari! 


FH berkata…
from 1 to 11 is me. HAHAHA!
TheBentPencil berkata…
me too. itu luahan dari lubuk hatikew yg sangat FOREVERALONE gitew.
AlexiaAqram berkata…
foreveralone for the person who always BE ONLINE kot.
Yuyu Johanna berkata… far gua never feel alone.cume long distance relationship ni kekadang mcm shiaalll je.kene byk sabar.nasib baik gua ni gadis yang eh, tetibe lak gua ade kat sini pehal?
Tanpa Nama berkata…
haha. ada ada jodoh nanti ada lah tu.takkan lari ke mana.
_aliahwafa_ berkata…
i no 3. sedih pulak bce.*tibe2
TheBentPencil berkata…
@Alexia: terase gua. nak majuk nih...

@yuyu: ala masuk2. buat cam blog sendiri. kekeke

@diloz: nasib baik hanset sekarang mulifunciton. akalu tak jadi batu je la dalam beg tu kan? hahaha

@matahari: insyaallah, time kaceh. *eh tetibe*

@Aliah:i no 3, no, 4, no 5...pendek kate sumelah!
Apisometres berkata…
#16 uwaaaaaaaa ToT
Tanpa Nama berkata…
online hari-hari tapi sekor pakwe pun takde...

what a loser.
Tanpa Nama berkata…
no2 no3 no5 no11 no16 terkena kat aku. dem
faizah berkata…
hahaha.. aku kena no 3 yg paling tepat..hehehe..

p/s: padang? cam kenal jek tempat tu.. :P
Che Cha berkata…
ahhahaha klaka. aku pon ada gak. tp maleh nk review blk nombor baper. hehe.

tp hp bateri aku cepat mampoz sbb mmg bateri kontot ayam~ haha.

errr~ sms.. selalu gak rajin sms rakan2. no worries. hehe =p

pizza dominos??x abes lenkali ajak aku makan. xpon pos balance ke rumah aku. hehehehe =p

er tp, bab mandi mmg aku akan mandi. bkn sebab end up alone kew apa. haha. wajiB mandi!
Che Cha berkata…
izzie...ciannye cite ko tu..uhuks. kalo aku, nangissss. sampai2 sume nk balik da
TheBentPencil berkata…
@apiso:aku juga. uwaaaa

@tanpa nama: aku lettew. penuh kan wall twitterku. konpem xde pakwe hawhawhaw

@ceghap: berhati2 dengan no. 11. ada potensi utk gemuk. but then again, jadi macam abang inspirasi pun ok gak. hehehe

@auz:sms rakan2 x sama you alls dgn sms pakwe.

@auz: kisah benar. tapi kawan2 die x ensem pon. gua tak rugi. wahahaahah
J. Abdullah berkata…
TheBentPencil berkata…
memang lew.
you twit time i tak twit.
bile i xde you ade plak.
helly tu plak sibuk menggode2 i taim you tekde taw...ew, malu i taw...
Tanpa Nama berkata…
wuuu rase mcm semua jee.
ish entry ni saje je buat i sedih balekk.
benci i tauu T_T

azhar shoib berkata…
byk gak kaitan ngan ak..hahaha..cth cam kwn lepak x ramai..yg ade pn bila diajak msti ade keja laen..bosan msg2 da ade keja..busy je manjang..hahaha..ak ari2 keja dr 8.30pg ke 8mlm, then trus g mniaga smpai kol12..balik tdo, sok g keja lg..hahaha..mmg xde life tol~
Syuhada berkata…
makan kat padang? student upm kah? XD

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