To Be or Not To Be, It Always Meant To Be

Love is something like lightning strike. Sometimes, you just dont know that you are in love. Love can makes people change, people going better, getting worse and love also is the best learning method in life.

In love, you always dont even know what is going to happens next. To be or not to be. Yes, you will always have all sort of questions running through your head for the entire relationship. As example,

'Am I doing the right thing?'
'Am I with the right person?'
'How long it gonna last?'
'Did she/he got anyone else?'

Absolutely, it is the way of nature. And no one can blame you for that. It just how you handle it. Either all those questions pass through you like wind or stuck in your head forever.

For me, I dont have any expectation for my current relationship. I dont know is it gonna work or not. I dont know either he is the one or not. I dont know either I am in the right path or in the other hand. It is very hard sometimes, how I need to deal with the environment, people thoughts, certain situations and lots more. Some part of things cant be shown up, spoken out and I have lots of heart that I have to take care with my unsatisfied emotion.

The situation will always be simple when I think I can feel the love more than pain. But positive mind cant always win. No matter how hard you try, the support of your partner to change your mind is always be the best solution.

In fact, what happened to you will create the NEW YOU. Mean, dont care if your love died along with your dead gf, no matter you have the bad childhood memories watching your mom has been beaten up by your dad, or you are in love with a married man, or your are in love with the same gender, all of that will make you stronger and learn a lot of things in life. It will turn you to be someone who appreciated the love more than ever. Will turn you to be more respect to other people. Will turn you into someone who doesnt want to treat others like what you saw in your life.

Go out there and be open for everything that gonna happen in your life. Keep moving on and be ready in any way of circumstances. If you think you need to fight for the one you love, just go ahead. If you think you need to push yourself harder to be better than his/her current gf/bf/husband/wife, just do it. If it meant to be, it will be always meant to be.

Either you are with the right or wrong person right now, believe that there are someone out there for you either you realize or not. If the best person you ever meet been taken away from you, maybe you are not good enough to deserve it. If you are leaving some one after you did all the best you can, means your other half dont deserve you. IF the feelings are not there, let it go. There is no used in trying if the pieces dont fit anymore.

*what a beautiful song*

p/s : if you think worth for you to stay or to let it go, just dont care what others will think. They are not in your shoes. You are the one who choose your OWN happiness.



Ibu Ammar berkata…
ur entry really shoot my forehead.

Hellioz berkata…

bila kita nak official ni ER?
Elena Reeney berkata…

it always shoot my fucking head!


lu ah ni. nak pergi makan steak pun tak on lagi, lagi ah nak official bagai kan?
Apple Xander berkata…
taceng.. :'(

i know i dnt deserve him..n he dnt deserve to anybody dats y GOD take him i cant accept it till now im still waiting for be psitive i always said to myself 'if we'r meant together we'll be together'..*pasrah!
FatenNabila :) berkata…
totally agreed! be strong and never give up in relationships. everything happened have their own reasons. :)
LaDy Of MaRs berkata…
Wat happened to u will create a NEW YOU. So damn true for me.. Maybe me and the wrong person(s) are meant to be, not to be with each other..
Malas ni komen byk ,
Everybody have their own definition of love .
But nobody can definite what love is actually is.
It just something that you need to go through experience of being a slut.

Btw lagu ni IMBA!
Wadi AR berkata…
ngeee~ english ko sgt mantap bai..
yunZatie berkata…
"terpilih" untuk putus cinta dengan manusia supaya kita "terpilih" untuk bercinta dengan ALLAH..orang yang putus cinta tak patut rasa "tersisih" namun bersyukur kerana "terpilih". diz quote dat give me strength til now. juz wanna share wif u ol =)
Ara berkata…
help! aku xtau lah ape status aku dgn dis close male fren of mine... he's a very2 nice guy...we've been colleagues for abt 1 yr and a half now..byk tula kami dah kenal each other luar dlm ym jela...but then...most of the signs r there..

tp smpi la ni die x make a move...dlm ym punye la rancak bagai ktrg sembg, tp bile bertembung, haram menegur...urgh! it's killing me! how do i tell him that i like him? (which i know, i shud wait till HE say it to me first? why oh why..)

:/ mcm desperate je aku kn..huhu~
maksurozana berkata…
For me, I dont have any expectation for my current relationship. I dont know is it gonna work or not. I dont know either he is the one or not. I dont know either I am in the right path or in the other hand. It is very hard sometimes, how I need to deal with the environment, people thoughts, certain situations and lots more. Some part of things cant be shown up, spoken out and I have lots of heart that I have to take care with my unsatisfied emotion. <<< shoot my head!

if you think worth for you to stay or to let it go, just dont care what others will think. They are not in your shoes. You are the one who choose your OWN happiness. << double shoot on my head!

btw, thumbs up for this entry. LIKES!
Lalala berkata…
true.. tapi tak berani nak mengorat dia..hahah segan lah...
TheBentPencil berkata…
"For me, I dont have any expectation for my current relationship. I dont know is it gonna work or not. I dont know either he is the one or not. I dont know either I am in the right path or in the other hand."

ya ukhti ana mintak copy ini artikel dan share ya...ana suka part ini.

Tanpa Nama berkata…

your story is like my story.
ym, skype, video, sms semua dia nak.
over a year.
suddenly, he went offline just like that.
bila mesej2 tak layan dah. aiseh.
tak tau salah siapa.

maybe dia ada perasaan. maybe dia malu and all. maybe dia lonely saja dan perlukan orang untuk dicakap.

i don't know, i don't have a happy ending. but i hope you do. pastu you bagitau i eh. heuheuheu
Tanpa Nama berkata…
siti ika berkata…
what? laki ni tak nak kawen dengan pempuan lain sampai sekrang? uh! rugi..
rabitahnaqsa berkata…
yes . u just simply should tell him that u're like him .
i do told my crush that im love with him thru fon . andd taraaaa !
tommorow ? we will see how's he feel towrds me .
saya dah byk kali buat confession kat jntn2 (kunun2 hotlaaa, sng2 je org nk terima kte) but now, i really think . i need to make a move . dia sangatlaaa pemalu . sama macam situasi awak . amatlaa pemalu kalau berjumpa. tak tegur . jeling2 jee .
so , that's it . awak kne ckp n die . then kne hdpi la risiko mcm 'die xkn tego awk da even kt ym anymore'
'dia xkn bley jd kwn lg for you'
and whatsoeverlaaa .

ok, go for it bebeh!
jgn mghrp sgt.
btulkn niat
n say it out loud beb !
gud luck :)
demm. ur entry really hit me right. Love ur writing. keep it up!
Tanpa Nama berkata…
damn! aku nak dia!!!! tapi dia tak boleh nak dengan aku.!!!! fck laaa. aku tak suka rasa macm ni!
Tanpa Nama berkata…
nice enrty! mohon share yer. tQ
~somebody somebody~ berkata…
the funny thing about love, is that nothing is certain. that is the reason you have to appreciate every moment that you have. you will never know when that exact second will be your last. love is nature. and nature changes, evolves, etc. adapting to changes are what we human are capable of.
love is precious. being able to feel, to breathe is a gift. for those who have gone through not so easy ride, you know who you are, and you know what im talking about.
stop trying lovelies, just live

~somebody somebody~

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