One Of The Boys

sometimes i feel like i wanna be released from all of this, y'know?

It's tiring to not sleep every night.


Syazwan berkata…
"love is like a burden" ><
TheBentPencil berkata…
ala...tak sempat first.

oh ya, saya dedicate ini kepada Hexism, antara pelukis komik yang paling kelako dalam blogosphere.

this is for u!
lini hasnan berkata…
wow, comel dan kretif! erk, macam sama jek kisah itu dgn perjalanan cerita sy? huu
feyza berkata…

rasa aman hidup..~

ohmadu berkata…
it is not a freedom till u go thru love with responsibility i believe.xgitu cik abang
Arm_mj berkata…
comel~ it's true until u find d one, u'll not feel d burden =)
shned shahabuddin berkata…
super like. :)
short and sweet. serabut lah cinta2 banyak sangat ni.
Unknown berkata…
Unknown berkata…
uu .. setakat ni , Tia tak sampai macam tu sekali . tak jadi beban even da masuk 3 tahun ..
H berkata…
si cebbie cholet berkata…
this what happen to me now....

i carried the burden for 8 years!
sampai ramai tanyer camner ko boleh begitu setia??hihihi

but honestly...
its really hurt :)
freedom n be yourself is more worthy than the hurt :)
vampire's lovex berkata…

susah la kalau semua pikir cmni..wuuu
Lysa berkata…
try to erase all the burden things when you want to sleep.

Try it :)
Unknown berkata…
baru mengapak rantai yang sama seperti di atas..
pergh...tenang sket rasa hidup
Ara berkata…
And the relevance of this comic with the title is.... ? :p

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