Are You A Bimbo?

Bimbo is a term that in popular English language usage describes a woman who is physically attractive but is perceived to have a low intelligence or poor education. The term can also be used to describe a woman who acts in a sexually promiscuous manner. The term itself is not explicitly negative, but is most often used as a derogative insult towards a woman.

Alright now, tell me. WHO WANTS TO BE A BIMBO ANYWAY?

The fact that there's fuckin hell lotsa bimbo berkeliaran siang dan malam diluar sana is inevitable. They exists, in a very attractive form in a shape of human. Right? Siapa yang tak suka benda yang lawa, cantik, gebu, monggel, putih, ni? Even modal artis2 kpop and jpop tu semua betina2, eyh? perempuan2 cantik yang suara sebijik tapi dalam kiraan yang ramai membuatkan depa sold out dengan sangat berjaya sekali. Even perempuan2 and lelaki2 dekat malaysia yang tak sedar diri tu melayu, kulit kaler orang melayu cuba untuk tiru gaya depa.

#sadfact : i knew lotsa guys in my circle who loves kpop and jpop so much that i feel like barfing all day long.

But who am i to judge? Thats your preferences, yet i might say, your preferences sucks. hahaha! I'm mean liddat.
Amoi, no offense. I just can't stand seeing my friend dancing like them in the vicinity of life.

Ok, lets get back to the topic. Profounded in United States as the wikipedia said on top of this article, masalah bimbo ni semakin menular kedalam ruang lingkup malaysia yang maha kecil ini. Kira kecil la kalau nak dibandingkan dengan United States yang humongous tu hah. Maksudnya, virus virus bimbo ni tak perlukan medium untuk tersebar. Siapa siapa sahaja mampu menghasilkan baka baka baik yang kemungkinan besarnya mempunyai attribute luaran yang sangat menggiurkan namun gagal menggunakan otak dengan berkesan. Thats the beauty of balance. Nothing is going to be perfectly perfect.

Lets get back to the topic, I am hastily sure that a lot of guys out there will be looking upon the so called 'beauty' that is being represented. But how many of us, is having the urge to  actually find the beauty of having a partner with brain? Thats the mathematics for the day.

Sure, everybody wants to find someone beautiful to spend their life with, eventhough for a mere second of life, contohnya, when u have that relationship as a couple. Kahwin pun ramai yang #phail, inikan pulak couple yang tak ada apa apa hubungan sah disisi undang2. 

Memang la seronok having that beautiful creature by the side of life, tapi berbaloi ke simpan depa lama lama kalau  otak jarang pakai?

The fact that ramai pembaca terfaktab is consists of girls aint amazed me at all. Tapi thats exactly the right audience i've been looking for. At least i can inject some sense of urgency to put a little general knowledge in your bloody fucking mind. 

Gwa yakin, having a beautiful partner is a blessful thingy to embrace, but do you want to spend your time/life talking about nonsense and bullshit all the time? It'd be a right proposition if that bimbo is marrying another bimbo versi lelaki. I've been searching for a good name to use, but i still haven't found it. Is it himbo or something? sounds stupid. haha

Tapi lu rela ke habiskan riwayat hidup kau again and again bercakap tentang benda benda yang tak berkembang langsung? I'd surely surrender on that. 

Cukup la ramai sangat ignorant brat yang dah dilahirkan dekat luar tu, takkan lu orang semua nak jadi apart of the bimbo who can't even blend into any intellectual conversation. Its not like we need those intellectual conversation each and everytime we have to talk, but c'mon. I do indulge a good, eventhough its a pseudo intelligent conversation with another species of women. I like it that way. At least, i can learn something new. Setakat cakap pasal emosi, emosi, emosi all the time, binatang pun boleh buat wey. My cats did it all the time. Crying non stop for food, and love. 

Cuba inject a little sense of knowledge into you. Takde la rasa awkward sangat kalau nak borak pun. Ni dengar lagu lady gaga, justin bieber, ntah ape lancau lagi. Layan drama banyak sangat sampai suka sangat hidup dalam kitaran dramaswasta murahan. Cuba berkembang sikit. Gwa syak kalau bimbo ni ajak borak pasal good music, or history, or anything scientific, or anything better off than something totally useless talking to, mesti lidah masing2 kelu. Macam kena sumpahan kebodohan. 

Honestly, gwa pun sembah jugak #hedonisme kadang2, tapi takde la sampai gwa ignore semua benda yang berlaku depan mata. Gwa sumpah tak boleh cope dengan conversation bimbo bimbo yang berlaku disekitar alam ni. Sebab most of the conversation tak buatkan gwa at least berfikir dengan kritis n kreatif. 

Bimbo ni buat awek memang best. Gwa terpaksa admit. Best part cuddle, part intim2 semua memang best, but another essential of having a good conversation with the person u love tu hilang into the thin air. Hidup dah berabad, tapi cuma tau cakap pasal benda2 yang only revolving with their life, only. C'mon. Get the fuck out of the fucking center of the universe. Your life is not the centre of the universe. You can't compete with the sun. 

So, banyakkan lah membaca, banyakkan lah tambah general knowledge lu orang semua. Takde la tanya siapa perdana menteri malaysia pun nanti terpinga pinga nak jawab. Cantik, tapi bodoh. Lu orang nak ke generasi lu orang yang seterusnya menghidap penyakit tu? 

Last but not least, stop being a bimbo. There's no pride in it. U might be the attention for a short while, but your physical attributes won't last forever. There's always a time limit in everything, that include the life we've been living in. Death will eventually swallow every soul on earth. Cuba jadi manusia yang akan diingati for being witty and sexy and beautiful rather than just being remembered as a phony beautiful person. 



SN berkata…
besaq kan tulisan.....-.-
aku budak baru berkata…
thanks God, i'm not a bimbo.
Kecantikan luaran perlu selaras dengan kecantikan akal fikiran...

Jom singgah:
Tanpa Nama berkata…

yesss. now byk kind of this,bimbo :)

lawa,cun melecun. but she's nothing =.=
budak _kecik berkata…
medias did manipulate and make the bimbo's group doesnt seem as bimbo. people think those bimbo as a role model.
This article does hit. Terkesan.thumbs up!
Hakim. berkata…
awek bimbo hot bai..gua tak tipu lu..paling hot bila part dia jadi bodoh2 alang bila ditanya soalan..perghhh...terkial2 tapi comel.

tapi still,awek bimbo menyusahkan...tapi hot,best,bangga gila usung ke hulu ke hilir...tapi,menyusahkan...
yongpropaghandi berkata…
fuh...tak sia-sia kat sekolah aku A BM&BI.
Syaa A. berkata…
perghh, naseb baek tak termasuk dalam golongan tuh=.=
Ana Faryana berkata…
setuju..memang annoying gila tanya kat bimbo ni..perasan lawa tapi otak bengap..siap buat lawak bodoh lagi..
reenapple berkata…
susah nak cari yg pretty+intelligent...
MizzF berkata…
Thank you Hellioz. I'm not a bimbo, but at least today I realised it's important not to be one.
aebob berkata…
cantik luar cantik dalam cantik dengar sini...
Ibu Ammar berkata…
nasiblah.. mana ada org perfect. lawa sangat, bengap. tak lawa. bijak. haa. pilih jgn tak pilih
Tanpa Nama berkata…
ingat ppuan pun suka kawan dgn bimbo ke? I kalau duk semeja dgn bimbos (sorry to say), asyik2 cakap pasal kawan yg tu, kawan yg ni, boyfriend yg tu, boyfriend yg nie, sales yg tu, sales yg ni. mekap tu, mekap ni. and then they say I pendiam sangat dan tak pandai cari kawan. urgghh!!

ps. male bimbo=douchebag. if you wanna see a good example of douchebag kawin dengan bimbo, google up Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag. Serius facepalm.
Cik Amni berkata…
kawan baik aku, lelaki... boleh mati hidup dengan popuan hot, tapi otak kosong.. nak mintak pendapat pun susah.. lagi nak mintak idea baru?

jumpa ramai bimbo.. lepak ngan dorang, memang aku tak tau nak cakap apa.. dah la aku ni memang tak hot, lagi la rasa macam tersisih.. try jugak nak masuk topic, tapi aku pulak yang nampak bodoh kat situ.. yer la.. selalu je blur.. sebab bosan...
Tanpa Nama berkata…
aku cikgu... kekadang x pnuh sgt ilmu di dada asenye... bimbo ke?
Bilal binti Robah berkata…
i bimbo tapi i pintar cerdas
bimbo apekah itu?
yanntulis berkata…
bimbo mana penah sedar mrk bimbo . hmmmmmm .

*tak nak jadi bimbo.*
ira berkata…
sun bkn centre of universe kan?spe yek tau centre of universe?ape beza milky way dgn solar system pulak?im a bimbo reply ASAP....
Hellioz berkata…
every sentence brings its own particular meaning. they're not correlated.

ira berkata…
gud job!!!ak bajet kau dah menggelabah tadi,kau memang berbisa,teruskan dengan penulisan berkualiti kau.....sama2lah kita tambah ilmu sains di dada ye Hellioz^-^
CtZ berkata…
terase diri cam bimbo plak, tapi bukan sbb hottie..sbb x ckup ilmu. hehe. agaknye bf aku mesti bosan ngn aku. bila dia sebut name org tu org ni, slalu ja aku x kenal. isk2x...mmg tahap kebimboan ape aku nih.
Amy A. berkata…
bimbo klu bhse jepun mksud dia papa kedana..;)
Aslina berkata…
teringat movie "idiocracy"

tanak ah mesia jadik camtu nanti.
ZeBentPenzel berkata…
maybe some of the commenters confuse bimbo with blur.

blur=absent minded=don't know about current events, name of people, or where she puts her car keys, but may be smart, educated or high IQ.

bimbo-all of the above described by Hellioz.
Tanpa Nama berkata…
Subhanallah!!! aku suka gilaaaa ngn entri ini.. bagos! kipidap~ (da rimas idop ngn bimbos - muke lawo gile,body cun melecun, tapi kepala kosong, otak blobang)
Tanpa Nama berkata…
Just because they're pretty and stupid..doesn't mean they're bimbos. It's an offensive term to label a woman. I don't think any woman wants to be one, even if they do..maybe they're just living the way they know best. And nak suruh mereka baca buku, easier said than done. Yeah they may give a bad image, but criticizing isn't the only way and i'm sure they're good in their own ways deep inside.
A cliche it is, but please don't judge people by their physical attributes.
-dayana rudy

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