How to move on
An advice for an advice
There’s a million ways to move on. There’s an endless lists for that.
Stop stalking your exes, they ain’t worth a dime and space in your present and future, unless you wanted them to still be apart of you
Redirect your daily thinking process and chores to something that might benefit you.
Go get a hobby, pet a cat, sing a song, write a song, write a book, go bungee jumping, play video games, get your head out of the phony mind that’d take you deeper into the past. Embrace your present with the things u’d enjoy.
Do not overthink, overthinking brings your feelings to another level of misery in which I certainly certain you don’t wanna conjure into. Who wants to live in a big ass mess you’ve done before?
There’s a various amount of time people take to move on
Some people can move the fuck on in a blink of an eye, while some other take almost their whole life just to move on. This depends on your will of life and the will to find a better picture of tomorrow.
Trust me, Tomorrow won’t only bring you sorrow, there’s a universe to go for.
Catch that big ass fish in the deep blue sea.
Stop whining and start discovering. Whining is actually a must but over-whining won’t get you nowhere.
There’s so much to life than just whining about what you past had done to you.
Be fucking optimists. Optimism brings you a big ass smile. Imagine the best part of losing that so called apart of you, I can guarantee you’d found it someway somehow unless u’re a total pain in d arse.
Be oblivious. If Your pasts brings you into the dark cave of horror and sorrow, get them out of your life. Turn over a new leaf. Crop a new picture. Find a new friends, Built a new circle.
Your will of life will determine your effort to move on. Losing isn’t everything, it’s just a game of life.
Why people don’t wanna move on?
Because they’re happy staying in the pain. Or maybe perhaps they’re too wishful. Miracle do happened, but they won’t happen all the time. Those fairy have a limited amount of miracle to glock on you.
Don’t look back in anger, look back, in a big wide smile
It’s ok to remember the past, but don’t do it frequently, do it so that you’ll learn from the past mistakes
The past can teach us a lot of thinky thanky steps on what to and what not to do in order for us not to do the same mistakes again.
Don’t forget the first basic step, the most important thing in this world is your own happiness. How could you be happy when u never try to be happy with your own self? haha
Lesson should be learned, not to be repeated again.
Vladiosa. Ciao…
Well I think honesty is the gravity of that thing called love.
#this is so you hellioz, to appear almost heartless and humorous. cool.
big ass fish! big ass fish! come to me!!
Yep, you can add one more point I think. Brainwashed by closest friends. Cause sometimes we need the closest person to scold us and say inappropriate things to us first then we will realized that what we have been doing is not worth a dime.
if you don't mind, i'm gonna be sharing it around ;)
Thanks! :(
tp now i've been faktab by my bff now..boleh juga pakai entry ni..sbb tfaktab ngan bff sendri lagi sakit woo!
how hate them(bff+xbf,yg juga bf die skang) towards me now i still luv them ..let time them them d truth.. sbb aku x reti membenci...
this enry make me <3 hellioz! thanks a lot!
"Don’t forget the first basic step, the most important thing in this world is your own happiness. How could you be happy when u never try to be happy with your own self? haha"
gua suke ayat ni..gua suke! keh keh keh :p
entri ni besh..gua suke lu..erkkk...larikkk!!
keh keh keh :P