How to reject a guy "nicely"?

I think I have wrote this type of entry about a year ago. Just look it up. I'm just too lazy to find it back that entry :p

Hello hello! Hari ini Amoi-ssi mahu ajar beberapa ayat yang boleh digunakan untuk reject lelaki. Saya rasa bau badan saya mempunyai satu bau "NO BOYS ZONE" lol. I think my pituitary gland already stop working. That's why my body have that kind of smell.

#1 No speaking English or Malay or your mother tongue language.
When a guys asked you out or he just asking about yourself, just reply it in a foreign language *creak creak* . Tengok macam mana dia jawab semula or faham. You will just make him annoying with your no speaking English or Malay. But if he can talk in a foreign language, I think you should reconsider him back. That’s pretty impressive of him.

#2. Giving a Rejection Hotline number.
Did you know there's a Rejection Hotline number you can give? Here the website :p . Or just give him a fake numbers or play around with him when he call you by answering "Hello, ini rumah mayat. Apa yang boleh saya bantu?" lol

#3 Told him you're kpop freak.
This proven working. Indeed I'm a kpop freak. So one day a guy message me through Facebook asking about me etc. You know all the pickup lines. Since I'm in "No Boys Zone" so I told him I'm kpop freak. Since then there's no reply from him. I'm so glad :p

#4 You didn't even pass my Quality Control requirement. You belong at My Reject Shop.
That sentences is sarcastic. Hopefully he can understand sarcastic words. Quality Control list = Type of a guy I want to date.

So. Which one you will choose? keke.



pokcek berkata…
kalau nak reject a girl... nicely... how...?
Tanpa Nama berkata…
reject a girl nicely? let out ur stinky feet. konpem auto-reject hahahaha :p
Nazrul Ashraff berkata…
haha. cam cilaka. tapi yang kpop freak macam berkesan je. aku pun allergik gilos dekat perempuan kpop freak ni. gila annoy
Ayyza M. berkata…
aku cakap je aku lesbian. mesti blah jugak lelaki tu hahaha
Sofia Nin berkata…
Freaking like the last part, amoi. Thanks! Hahaha :D
Hakim. berkata…
Satu lagi,

cakap jer dah bertunang.
tak cukup kukuh lagi nie alasan nie . kena bg konkrit sikit biar dia putus asa teros. keh3
Jay berkata…
Aku suka alasan no.3. Keh..keh...
lynda ahmad berkata…
Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.
lynda ahmad berkata…
Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.
Poist-en Ivy berkata…
ini rejection yg sangat tak nice oke.. meahahhaha
NatashaShariff berkata…
Dah reject secara baik pun ✗ jalan gak mcm mane? Dah ckp dah ade tunang, tp still kacau. Wuwuwu.

So,terpaksa la guna cara kasar. Hewhewhew.

Pheww! Finally berjaya gak. KOT. Hopefully la dia ✗ kan ggu aku lagi.

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