Just this once. Because you're hot.


Having a guy/girl you you had a crush on for YEARS finally agrees to be with you.
Imagine he is as HOT as your favorite movie star--or better yet, A MOVIE STAR.(Danish? Surihani? Lebouf? DCaprio? anything)

So I ask you,

How much are you willing to bend over your principals for the one you really like?

Would you let him/her hold your hand?

Grope you?

Kiss you?

Spend a night with you?

You'll say: of course not, I'll never blowjob anybody before marriage! But do you REALY mean it?

What if (to you), he's the one?

I know people who swears to god she/he won't even let a man walk over her but as soon as she/he falls in love-POW! Late nights and sleepovers. who hoo!

yeah, I know he's hot (in your eyes) but...

Is it worth it?

Think about it. Like really think.

And give your honest confession here.

picture unrelated. this guy ain't hot at all.


Tanpa Nama berkata…
i used to hv a boyfriend that is super cute (my friend said so..so i guess its true la..)
he hold my hand..i let him be..
one day..he hug me..i push him back.."wat??".."peluk pun tak bley?"..."HELL NO!"he was sulking..i acted like nothing happened..he seems to be ok after 2 hours (after i push him)
bla bla bla...he was sulking over again when i said no to a lot of things..after a month (der..still take me one month to open my eyes)..i left..i just realized that this is not love..
i guess..it is still oneself to decide what to do...holding hand..kiss kiss or choose him over klcc (??#$%^&#$)...or....
AlexiaAqram berkata…
merajuk sebab nak romen. senang cerita. tak guna punya jantan.
faizalnizam berkata…
memang jadi bahan la video KLCC tu .. hehehehe.
Tanpa Nama berkata…
bad thing ever!
The Poyo Me berkata…
@Anon: good for you! not many of us are like this honey. most that i know of bend the rules for the ones they like. sometimes too much.

@AA: mmg pun. merajuk is the new tactic for pussy-like dudes.

@fyzal: sebab org die memang fail. paling x make sense merajuk sbb awek gi KLCC. awek pon satu gi layankan watpe?

@dobot: indeed! jgan buat gini ye kekawan.
Apisometres berkata…
an awesome strip from a puke-fest video... subarashii.. ^^
Tanpa Nama berkata…
saya suka pegang tangan time jalan dengan bf. ehem.
TheBentPencil berkata…
@Apiso: arigato, domo-domo-domokun!

@J.Ab: pastikan tangan dia tak merayap ke atas. sekian.
mr.yohimbine berkata…
kalau lelaki syg perempuan, dia akan hormati perempuan tu...hormati prinsip pempuan tu..
SaSa berkata…
psl bidio klcc tu..adeh..tah laa..mcm2 hal la..

aku ksian satu hari pompan tu kne tggl je..hadoi..snang2 je kasi laki kiss2 n bagai2..
pervert aa laki tu..majok sbb nk ehem jadah..adoiyai
pompan tu lak..leh bgi free2..errr..no komen la..pnat siot tgok bnde2 camni skg..

p/s : ckp hal org pon..bukan leh byk2 sgt..kite pon bukan sempurna..hmm..semoga kite sentiasa dirahmati dan dilindungi oleh ALLAH..insyaallah..
dan plg penting..smoga aib kite sentiasa ditutup hgga lah tiba hari spatutnya..wallahualam..
Tanpa Nama berkata…
lelaki yg suke merenyam tah pape,
bye2 je trus~^^

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