5 Beautiful Things After Marriage (actually more).
This piece of write up suits everyone, not just to those who are just married, but to you who have years married, about to get married or not yet married. Here are 5 beautiful things after marriage. 1. You can date every day. During dating years, when both of you were an item, you felt that you never had enough of dating time especially if you were in a Long Distance Relationship (LDR). Even though you were in Short Distance Relationship (SDR), you can’t be meeting every day too. But, you wished to see her/him every day. There were always obstacles or restrictions like money, distance, work, study and etcetera. Now, the vast difference after marriage is, you can date your partner every day, in truth, 24 hours a day! In halal way some more! That is the beautiful part. Every moment after marriage is a dating moment. Every moment with her/him is a moment you will cherish all your life. How wonderful. You date in the kitchen, in the car, at every ...