Mistakes and more.
Everybody makes mistakes. No one is spared. Making mistakes is part of life. We make mistakes and we learn form it. That's is how life should be. But we can't be making the same mistakes again and again. That's is stupidity. Start to learn from it. And avoid repeating it. Yes, talking is easy. Sometimes, we never realize it was a mistake until it was too late, or someone highlighted it to us. Being in a relationship is a life challenge. We are prone to makes mistakes. Be it small or huge mistakes that could put the relationship in jeopardy. Some mistakes are forgiveable but certain mistakes would just be too hard to forgive. The core of maintaining a stable relationship is trust. When trust is broken, that is the biggest mistake one could make. When it happen, it depends on both parties to talk it through. The one who's hurt may forgive, but the relationship may end there. Being in pre-marital relationship is a risk. You should know it. You'll be influenced by t...